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Lab report Experiment 7 Extraction of Usnic Acid Observations ********************************************* Extraction of Usnic Acid -Appearance of acetone

Lab report Experiment 7 Extraction of Usnic Acid Observations ********************************************* Extraction of Usnic Acid -Appearance of acetone =clear colourless solvent -Appearance of lichen = course green and brown fibrous material -mass of ‘Old Man’s Beard’ lichen weighed = 5.01 g -lichen + ~300 mL acetone in 500 mL Erlenmeyer Flask with stopper = course green […]

I need someone to help me with my lab report Here is all the Data and I will send my documents through student support. Experiment 4 Refractive Index

I need someone to help me with my lab report Here is all the Data and I will send my documents through student support. Experiment 4 Refractive Index Observations ************************************** all solutions tested were clear and colorless temperature at time of readings = 22 C (must do a temp. correction on all readings) Refractive Index […]